Getting back in the groove

Hey y’all!

So my hiatus is finally almost over as spring finals are done this week! The warm weather has definitely been putting me back in the clothing sewing mood and I have some plans lined up for some new projects. In the meantime, here are some things I have been working on lately.
Designer Star



Sew Caroline Skirt

The start quilt is actually for a friend but I am loving the fabrics and the mint background. The fabric line is Glitz by Michael Miller and is GORGEOUS! It has a slight shimmer to it and the colors are so soft.

The skirt is also something I am so excited about because it is finally warm enough to wear! I made another one with Lilly Pulitzer mint julep fabric which was perfect for the Derby this past weekend (my favorite holiday).

Happy Hump Day!


Sorry I have been a slacker. Hopefully with finals happening soon and classes going on a summer schedule life will be a little less crazy.

In all the craziness I have gotten a little sewing done. Here are two projects I have finished:

Arithmetic Quilt

Riding Peplum

Next up is finishing making a Lilly Pulitzer mint julep skirt before the Derby!

Happy Tuesday,

Elephants Galore

Over the past year I have become mildly obsessed with elephants. When I was trying to move to DC I sewed a little stuffed elephant for good luck, and the next day I got a job offer at where I work now!


I have also always been in love the Lilly Pulitzer’s Tusk in the Sun pattern and when I realized you can buy Lilly fabric online I knew I had to make something with the fabric. Recently April Rhodes released a Riding Peplum/Party Dress pattern. I love her clear instructions and adorable styles so I decided to try the pattern out with my newly acquired fabric. The dress isn’t quite done yet, but I’m just too excited not to share.


I already have a second dress planned with this pattern despite not being done with the first. Here is a little preview.


Have a Happy Monday!

Friday Finds

I have decided I cannot take one more day of this freezing cold weather. Here are some fabulous finds courtsey of J. Crew and the Factory for my boycotting the cold wardrobe!


   J crew Factory scalloped dress


Factory Teagan Ruffle Popover

Factory Printed Skirt

Factory Printed Skirt


Misty fog floral shift dress